
Our CX Suite® can improve your customer experience

Many firms aim to establish and track their business or brand with NPS® (Net Promotion Score). The question ‘how likely are you to recommend X’ is meant to sum up everything you need to know about the company. There are norms which tell you what the scores mean eg if you’re doing well, very well, or brilliantly.

This measure – which is not MRA’s – is popular among big companies as it enables them to compare performance across brands in the group and in different countries.

But there are persistent complaints and debates that one question is not enough. The biggest critique we make – and we know because we’ve been asked for years to use NPS® – is that it doesn’t translate into action. It doesn’t suggest what you might do to improve your score. 

We created our CX Suite® of measures to dovetail with NPS so we can say ‘improve these and you will improve your NPS and customer experience’.

There are 6 Customer Experience measures in the CX Suite that work individually and together to indicate what to focus on. We have built up norms which – just like NPS scores – enable us to show how well a company is doing compared with other companies in similar UK markets.

MRA Research’s CX Suite® tools measure:

  • NSR™ (Net Service Rating™) – is service getting better or worse?
  • NF™ (Net Friction™) – how easy is it for customers to deal with you?
  • NCB® (Net Customer Benefit®) – do you make a difference to the performance of your customers’ businesses?
  • NCV® (Net Customer Value®) – how valued do customers feel?
  • NTS® (Net Trust Score®) – do customers trust your claims and promises?
  • NRA® (Net Relative Advantage®) – does using your business give customers a relative advantage to compete more effectively?

The full CX Suite® helps you measure and improve customer experience and retain happy satisfied customers – we combine this with a set of strategic insight tools that then help you position your company, build your brand, and grow.

Email Mike Rigby at to find out more.